Ezetax is excited to announce that it has changed from using MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) software to the full suite of Xero products as part of an overall review of the software stack used by the business.
Ezetax had been using MYOB AE since inception in 1999 and made the decision to switch to Xero Tax, Xero Practice Manager and Xero Accounting from 1 July 2021.

There was a monumental amount of work undertaken by the Eze staff in the lead up to the 2021 year and after reaching out and consulting with other accounting firms and advisers, the switch to the Xero platform has been almost seamless.
Some of our clients had been experiencing issues with the MYOB AE Portal and client portal and whilst MYOB gave the impression of being a cloud based platform, in reality the software is not a full cloud software program and with COVID-19 and the more common practice of staff and clients working from home, the need for a true cloud platform was more prevalent than ever.,
“The ability for our clients to electronically sign their end of year tax returns and financial statements has been made super eze on the Xero platform. We wish we had switched to the platform from MYOB AE, years ago.”
Eze Software Stack
As a result of the review of the computer software being used by Ezetax and the change the Xero platform we took the opportunity to look at all of the API opportunities that come with switching to the cloud.
For 22 years we have been operating under the traditional model with our server and all of our date residing on site on our in house servers. By moving to a cloud based service provider we have been able to use best practice software for our engagement letters, company secretarial software and file sharing for our staff and clients.
Our software stack now includes the use of Suitefiles and secure connected folders with our clients for document sharing and uploading of tax receipts, to BGL360 and CAS360 for our self managed superannuation funds and Ignition for our engagement letters.
The switch to the cloud has resulted in a number of efficiencies and we are sure that in time that there will be further efficiencies with the further adoption of other APIs and additional software to our stack.
Reach out to the Eze team to get your secure connected folder and if you would like to consider switching to Xero from your existing software provider, talk to one of the team members, today. #xero #cloud #suitefiles #xerotax #bgl360 #cas360